5 Ways To Use Cryptocurrency In 2020


Cryptocurrency is the future of the financial world and despite the controversies and myths surrounding this technology, it just continues to grow in popularity. For a currency to function, it’s not enough for it to just exist, there need to be many uses for it. While many crypto skeptics were predicting that the technology wouldn’t take off, instead it is starting to become more mainstream as multiple businesses and industries start accepting cryptos. While some fields tend to favor cryptocurrency more than others there is a good variety in places and companies that offer you an option to pay in crypto. In order for the crypto industry to continue to grow it is imperative that more businesses embrace them and crypto payments become mainstream and accessible to all its users.


use crypto in 2020

The entertainment industry

Cryptocurrency first took off in the entertainment industry, surprisingly so. Most of the places that offer entertainment online or in real life have started to offer the option to pay by crypto. Escape rooms have become one of the most popular ways to spend free time doing something exciting for a lot of young people. And escape rooms were among the first establishments to start offering crypto payments worldwide and have embraced the idea to the fullest. While in most cases you will find that the establishments accept Bitcoin or Ethereum some of them offer a much wider range of options for you to pay. And quite frankly, this particular trend makes a lot of sense. Absolutely majority of crypto users and actually quite young and the crypto industry shares a lot of its users with the entertainment services.


These days everyone agrees that in order to feel financially secure you need to have multiple sources of income and financial security comes first of all from having the knowledge about the ways to manage your assets and grow them while using passive and active approaches. Cryptocurrencies open a whole new door for those wanting to get into more complex financial tools and trading in crypto is becoming more and more popular, almost reaching the same level of security and efficiency as the regular fx market. But in order to choose a dependable broker you need to keep up with Forex comparison continuously and pay attention to the reviews because since the regulations around the industry are still forming, the possibility of ending up with a scamming company is still high. Cryptocurrency is a new industry altogether so some challenges are just bound to arise when dealing with crypto. While crypto trading does not necessarily give as much security to the person as a stock market is still very profitable and could really take your money management skills and financial situation to the next level so if you are looking for ways to use your cryptocurrency in an effective way considering trading.


Buying and selling things

While everyone is familiar with the website that allows you to sell a purchase used or new items, like eBay or Etsy, they don’t allow crypto users to purchase things on the website. There is a solution to this problem now. There is a specific website that caters to crypto users exclusively that will allow you to sell and buy items and make payments by using exclusively crypto. While for now, the selections for these sorts of online stores are quite limited, the trend is picking up some spending and will soon become a very accessible trend. And as more platforms are created to cater to the crypto users, the choices will also grow and maybe even rival the likes of eBay and other shopping websites. Currently, the most website is Forra, which has no seller fees, and focuses on Ethereum.


The latest and probably the most bizarre trend of all in food facilities that cater to crypto users exclusively. We have places like Pizza for crypto who sell pizza and accept payment only in cryptocurrency. This is a fun and harmless way to promote the industry and help legitimize it. The food industry is huge, and actually cryptocurrency is not the only way that it relies on blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrency. Blockchain is used to keep track of the multiple processes that go into making and end-goal dish. The transfer of the food, its origin and the temperature that needs to be tracked all throughout the process Big enterprises use blockchain to make the process more transparent and therefore mistake proof. But now the food industry also found a new use for the blockchain by promoting the crypto payments and making it a legitimate part of the financial aspects.

Support the network

If you are an avid fan of cryptocurrency and don’t mind investing in it then there are ways to use your assets to support the market and help move it forward. You can choose to spend crypto inside the network and pay extra fees for the transaction that actually helps to keep the system afloat and avoid spamming. You support the miners by relying on and investing in the network itself and it is crucial that people invest in the network in order to create healthy and legitimate systems that are actually sustainable.

As the industry becomes better established the more and more uses will also emerge that will make the cryptocurrency even more comfortable to use. But for now, considering that the industry is so fresh, these choices are still impressive and can still do a great job of meaning legitimacy for the cryptocurrency as a payment method.